The path towards inclusive and accessible education policies – Data, indicators, and good practices for inclusive educational systems for children with disabilities in Latin America – A call for Action

This call for Action for inclusive educational systems for children with disabilities in Latin America was made in cooperation with RIADIS and is available in four languages. Click here to access the call for action in English Click here to access the call for action in Spanish Click here to access the call for action …
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Bridging the Gap celebrates an International Forum on Experiences of Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Education

Around 50 people attended the “Foro Internacional de Experiencias sobre la Inclusión Educativa de Personas con Discapacidad” (International Forum on Experiences of Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Education”), organized by Bridging the Gap and held on 7 June in Quito, Ecuador. Click here to access the full story

BtG talks with Ana Lucía Arellano

Ana Lucía Arellano, President of RIADIS and IDA, talks about the importance of data for the implementation of inclusive education policies.

Pedagogical support guide for inclusive education compensatory educational care service – Hospital Classroom

To address inclusion in the context of education is to talk about the efforts of institutions to overcome the barriers that exclude certain populations. One of these is that of children and adolescents in situations of illness, who generally have to leave school in order to fight for their lives, prioritising their health. This pedagogical …
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Design of a proposal for the revision of the curriculum of the Instituto de Formación Docente on the mainstreaming of inclusive education

In this document, a proposal was designed to introduce the main contents and methodologic foundations of Inclusive Education in the initial teacher training curriculum of the courses offered by the Institutos de Formación Docente (Institutes of Teacher Training) of Paraguay. This document is available in Spanish. Click here to access the document in Spanish

Compendium of Guidelines and texts for reasonable accommodation in the levels of Basic, Initial, Medium, University and Technical Education for the application of the Law on Inclusive Education

This publication contains the results of the revision, update and creation of new proposals and guidelines and reasonable accommodation in the levels of basic, initial, medium, university and technical education, for the application of the Law on Inclusive Education. The obtained results presented in this compendium of documents were made with the objective of contributing …
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Guiding document for the drafting of the Paraguayan Nationwide Action Plan for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Indicators and Baseline

The objective of this document is to present all the steps taken in Paraguay towards the elaboration of the National Action Plan for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (PANDPCD), its indicators and baseline. This work was firmly grounded in a human rights approach and based on national and international legislation. It involved the participation …
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Inclusion of persons with disabilities in European Union development cooperation mechanisms: Paraguay Report

The three country snapshots in the overall study are aiming to get an initial understanding of how EU Delegations contribute to the implementation of the CRPD and promote disability inclusion across their implementing partners of projects granted through call for proposals. The methodology applied in getting a picture of the EU Delegation to Paraguay in …
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Así Aprendo (“How I Learn”) 3: Teacher’s guide. Curricular adaptation for 4th to 5th grade Basic General Education

Teacher’s guide on language and literature and mathematics for 4th and 5th years of Basic General Education with grade III curricular adaptation for the educational inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities. Click here to access the guide in Spanish

Así Aprendo (“How I Learn”) 2: Teacher’s guide. Curricular adaptation for 2nd to 3rd grade Basic General Education

Teacher’s guide on language and literature and mathematics for 2nd and 3rd years of Basic General Education with grade III curricular adaptation for the educational inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities. Click here to access the guide in Spanish