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Bridging the Gap 2

Bridging the Gap is a project that tries to make the lives
of people with disabilities in poorer countries better.

The European Union gave the money for this project.

Many organisations from Europe and all over the world
work together to make this project happen.

We want to make things better for people with disabilities
who live in poorer countries.
For example, in South America, in Africa or somewhere else.

So ‘Bridging the Gap’ is a European project,
but it mostly tries to help people with disabilities
in poorer countries outside Europe.

The project has two parts:

The first part of the project is called ‘Bridging the Gap 1’.

‘Bridging the Gap 1’ tries to find ways to make
the Sustainable Development Goals happen
and help people with disabilities have better lives.

Countries should listen to people with disabilities
and their organisations to make things better.

The second part of the project is called ‘Bridging the Gap 2’.

‘Bridging the Gap 2’ also tries to make things better
for people with disabilities in poorer countries.

We try to explain people who take decisions in these countries
that they should not forget people with disabilities.

We want them to understand the needs of people with disabilities
and work to make things better for them.

This means that people who take decisions should listen
to people with disabilities and their organisations.

We ask people who take decisions in these countries
to support children with disabilities in going to school
and learning new things.

They should also support people with disabilities
who are sick and need to go to the hospital to get well.

We also try to bring together
organisations of people with disabilities and other organisations
who also want to make things better in these countries.

Together we can work better than each of us alone.

We want to see the CRPD and Agenda 2030 happen in these countries
and help people with disabilities who live there.

We believe that no one should be left behind.
People with disabilities should have more opportunities

We think that organisations of people with disabilities
and other organisations working in poorer countries
should work together.

‘Bridging the Gap 2’ tries to make this happen.
Together we can work better than each of us alone.